
Name Current Location Hours Pilot Points Rank VATSIM ID IVAO ID
Rix LLW/FWKI Hub 537:15 512,991 Captain 1371010
Michael VIE/LOWW Hub 537:13 635,275 Captain
Sir CPT/FACT 536:02 715,698 Captain
Peter CUN/MMUN 533:14 583,311 Captain
Remigton AKL/NZAA Hub 530:57 677,314 Captain
Brett AMS/EHAM 528:56 494,452 Captain 1355429
Min SIN/WSSS Hub 527:50 678,902 Captain 1641544 699807
Antonis SYD/YSSY 527:06 638,654 Captain 1013354 345050
Benjamin MBJ/MKJS 526:03 539,953 Captain 1447448
Peter SFO/KSFO Hub 525:23 1,162,269 Senior Captain
Daniel BRU/EBBR Hub 524:20 586,662 Captain 452265
Aaron HKG/VHHH 522:20 452,532 Captain
Peter FAO/LPFR 521:35 653,653 Captain 1454481 557212
Vasileios SKG/LGTS Hub 520:55 749,889 Captain 1270788 445297
Simão LIS/LPPT Hub 520:45 598,477 Captain 1488458 633785
Amara EWR/KEWR Hub 520:38 465,937 Captain 1841022 641795
Nemes BER/EDDB Hub 520:32 487,323 Captain 1416657
James EWR/KEWR Hub 519:47 444,971 Captain 1346660
Cristopher YHZ/CYHZ 518:18 638,733 Captain 1450344
Pedro SXM/TNCM 517:26 676,648 Captain 103814
Damo ADD/HAAB Hub 517:20 462,891 Captain 349349
Luís SMI/LGSM 514:04 688,521 Captain 1548624
Milosz LAX/KLAX Hub 513:35 779,669 Captain
Paul BFI/KBFI 512:18 511,129 Captain 1444764
Jaesednfug SEA/KSEA 510:59 939,709 Captain 1228655 403511
José LIS/LPPT Hub 510:33 472,639 Captain 942455
NegativeEmu EWR/KEWR Hub 509:33 760,273 Captain 1736287
Alex HAM/EDDH 509:19 613,223 Captain 1493137
Kevin DEN/KDEN Hub 508:51 573,816 Captain 1259687
Florian MIA/KMIA Hub 508:19 480,324 Captain
Eric KEF/BIKF 506:03 657,940 Captain 1464570 679690
Augusto MVD/SUMU 505:58 564,790 Captain 1325975 429568
Giulio MUC/EDDM Hub 505:53 569,941 Captain 1029966 237792
Dwight GMP/RKSS Hub 505:45 484,964 Captain 1295518
Robert DEN/KDEN Hub 505:06 533,052 Captain 1105446
Daniel DUS/EDDL Hub 504:59 549,657 Captain 1385834
Jakub BFI/KBFI 504:36 600,916 Captain 1470878 622197
ANDREAS CDG/LFPG 498:56 622,416 Captain 1489215
Pascal CPH/EKCH 495:36 465,821 Captain
Oliver ZRH/LSZH Hub 495:24 565,188 Captain 173338
Mike STR/EDDS Hub 494:23 604,888 Captain 1481141
Levi HKG/VHHH 493:26 497,506 Captain
Elvis EWR/KEWR Hub 492:09 478,057 Captain 547480
Michael ZRH/LSZH Hub 490:12 620,463 Captain 1046939
Theocharis ATH/LGAV Hub 490:07 847,832 Captain 1549883 666738
Alberto BEL/SBBE 488:18 482,672 Captain
Samuel MDE/SKRG Hub 487:52 562,735 Captain 695509
William YYZ/CYYZ Hub 487:25 507,748 Captain 835480 420528
Aleksander WAW/EPWA Hub 485:33 635,370 Captain 1428493
Massimo EWR/KEWR Hub 484:26 501,207 Captain 1062995 470928
Include pilots that have not yet completed a flight.
Only include pilots that have entered their VATSIM PID.
Only include pilots that have entered their IVAO VID.
Only include pilots that have completed a flight in the last 30 days.
Flight Hours
Pilot Points
Points Required Points Awarded Per Hour
Trainee 0 100
Junior Officer 1,000 150
Second Officer 5,000 250
First Officer 20,000 500
Senior First Officer 50,000 750
Captain 200,000 1,000
Senior Captain 1,000,000 1,200
Chief Captain 10,000,000 1,500
Senior Chief Captain 50,000,000 1,800